- skincare products reviews 2018 -
Anti ageing

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a fountain of youth overflowed abundantly -- bubbling out refreshing sips of anti-aging magic. One gulp or quick splash filled in lines and wrinkles, lifted saggy bits, de-puffed eyes, evened out skin tones and textures and reversed sun damage. Then all of the sudden, like some cruel joke, reality set in and no such magical fountain existed.

This forced women everywhere to search for the next best thing. Cut to today, when there is a surplus of anti-aging skin care products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all claim to be this fountain of youth. Some work their anti-aging magic through ingredients that have a ton of scientific research and analysis on how skin ages to back them up and some are pure hype.

Lamer An age-transcending serum essence that visibly renews your skin from within. Genaissance™ de La Mer The Serum Essence is the all-round products can be used in 30+.

Lancome Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Serum. A fast-acting anti-aging serum that reveals smoother, more radiant skin in as little as 7 days. Over 14 years of research and 197 formulation trials were spent developing Advanced Génifique Serum can enhance the structure of skin and rebuild the young form.


Post on 27 June, 2018 | hair & makeup artist : Ivy Gain / photographer : Joe CHng