Smiley as a message of peace in the DB Berdan SS20 collection: Self-Love Club.


Today we woke up to the threat of a third world war. We'll see what happens. Meanwhile, in the midst of a convulsive world, full of aggressiveness and competitiveness, Deniz and Begum Berdan , mother and daughter , put the best Smiley on sale with their collection of self-love Self-Love Club . After all, they say it is impossible to love others if you don't love yourself first. Although I have to say that I always make a mess to differentiate self love from selfishness. I guess one thing is self-esteem and another is selfishness, but I think there is a big mess with all this. Well, the fact is that you can buy the pieces of this school that will at least get a smiley.


The collection of DB Berdan SS20 is a collaboration with Smiley Company , the company that currently has the rights of this famous emoticon that was a symbol of the Acid House in the late 80s. And precisely, from that world, it is where DB Berdan extract Much of his inspiration..

The DB Berdan SS20 collection garments are inspired by the idealized aesthetics of hip hop from the late 80s and early 90s . Associated with rave culture, acid house, club kids and techno heads , the garments of the collection are manifested in bold colors, bat sleeves, oversize patterns, eighties buttons, basketball shorts transformed into skirts ... And especially the Smiley as a symbol of an era and leit motif of this spring summer collection..



Despite representing a lysergic world, full of synthetic chemistry, the prints you see in the striking pieces of the DB Berdan collection are, in addition to original, totally ecological. So you can see that modernity is not at odds with sustainability, quite the opposite.


Behind this DB Berdan collection there is not only a great Smiley, but also a declaration of principles and intentions. This is his Manifesto: “DB BERDAN's socially advanced garments cover all facets of postmodern society , they are passionate and energetic collections of urban fashion, with an inspiration from social rights movements and underground culture. His designs bring a sense of pride and freedom of expression , evoking messages as a form of protest against the civil unrest they feel in their country of origin, Turkey. Proud defenders of the LGBTQ community”, In fact when the celebration of Gay Pride was banned in the streets of Istanbul, they did it with a Smiley in their mouths and clothing during London Fashion Week in protest.







Text & Image : Neo2 / Post on  5 January, 2019



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